End of Life Planning
The time spent after the death of a loved one is no time to be making life altering financial decisions. Making decisions at this time leads to emotional overspending that will create a serious impact on your financial position. End of Life planning or Advance Planning is designed to assist you in making these difficult decisions at your convenience, without the overwhelming grief accompanied with the loss of a loved one.
An important decision in End of Life Planning revolves around the type of disposition you may wish for.
Currently there are four choices available to choose from. Click the link below to read more about each option.
Terramation (Natural Organic Reduction)
Alkaline Hydrolysis (Water Cremation, Aquamation, Flameless Cremation)
Some additional topics that are usually discussed during End of Life planning include but are not limited to:
Acquiring vital statistic information for death certificate completion
signing a pre-death disposition authorization
discussion of memorial ceremonies options
pre-funding options
cemetery options